Credit Card Do you need to buy that favorite dress but cannot afford it this month? Do you need to buy something that isn’t feasible because of your expenses? Fear...
Capital Market The financial market in which there are sale and purchase of long-term debts or equity-backed securities is called a Capital market. It is defined as a market in...
Trade Trade is the transfer of ownership from one entity to another or from one person to another. This is usually done in exchange for goods, services or money. The...
Macro - finance Many people often get confused with microfinance and macro finance. Microfinance focuses on individuals and operates at a smaller scale whereas Macro-finance focuses on the whole region...
Microfinance Poverty still exists in many countries. The best way we can curb poverty is through Microfinance. Microfinance is similar to banking service; it is provided mostly to those who...
Business Finance Business finance deals with the optimization of finance at the commercial level. A business requires investment or capital continuously based on various perspectives. There is short term, medium...
Private Finance Private Finance is the optimization of finances at the individual level. These include savings, insurance policies, stock market investments, personal loans, management of income taxes, credit cards and...
Public Finance The study of the government’s role in the economy is called Public Finance. Public Finance is a major branch of economics. It assesses the revenue of the government...
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